Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekly update: I'm back!

Oh hello there, long time no see. My game play screeched to a halt with March madness (aka every single essay being due in one month) but now that school is practically done (minus those pesky exams) I've rushed back into Middle Earth!

This week I hit Kindred with the Wardens of Annúminas early on, mostly through questing. Apparently this region used to be tough to get through but with the new boat system it was very easy. Quest Rep stacked like crazy so this one was a breeze.

Today I hit Kindred with the Elves of Rivendell, something that took a bit of a grind. I killed what felt like a million wrights (it was over the deed limit that's for sure) but managed to finish it. I still have a couple of quests to do for the deed and half of book 4 so I could have waited for it, but I wanted it done.

Next up: maybe finishing up with Rangers of Esteldín tomorrow. We'll see, I might grind and I can always tailor for it. But starting Tuesday it's the Anniversary festival and I'll be focusing my attention on getting the mounts for that as well as some deeds.


  1. GoGo Horse-wrangler Alysia!
    Enjoy the Anniversary Party! :)

    1. 4 mounts in 2 days doesn't mean I have a problem right?

  2. Hi Alysia. just viewed your blog about Lotro, which is very beautiful and really narrative. I like it a lot. Have you already tried the World Renown White Horse? Hard to get, but a real prize to have!
